Hi Everyone, I’m trying out this feature that lets me blog from anywhere, as long as my phone is still breathing! I think of things at the randomest times and now I can get them on the blog lickety-split! Does anyone out there read blogs on their phones? Did you some blogs can be read via google reader for mobile, and some blogs can’t. As this is still a baby blog, I need every possible way for my readers to get there blog fix. I know I’m addicted!
I’m in the Orange County Fair!
Hi Everyone, I’m pretty excited because 3 of the 3 photos I entered got accepted for the Photo contest at the OC Fair. What’s funny is that these photos were all taken on my “non-professional” camera with a “non-professional” lens, but it goes to show that so much of getting the right photo is being in the right place at the right time, and really knowing your equipment, no matter how ghetto-fabulous it might be. Have a look:
(I’ll keep you posted on the results). The final prints are for sale, but not until after the fair is over in mid August.
What an awesome wedding!
I assisted my friend Jen Disney a few weeks ago shoot Rob and Robin’s wedding. These are a few of my favorite shots:
I recently got Boutwell Studios‘s “Totally Rad Actions” and I think they are awesome. I’m looking for new ways to really give brides unique images that will fill them with warm fuzzies every time they look at them. I hear they may come out with a new set soon, which I will likely purchase because of how good their first set is. I’m a sucker for companies with good products, and I think the best “buzz” for marketing is one based on someone really getting value for something they bought. I hope my brides see their photography that way!
I messed with the Zohan.
My wife and I watched “You don’t mess with the Zohan” last night to celebrate her getting a job offer, and I must say it was pretty funny! It’s not at the level of classics such as “Billy Madison” or “Happy Gilmore”, but I laughed throughout the whole film. It does have a ton of sexual references, so don’t take the kids. This knee-slapper gives a new light-hearted look at Israeli-Palestinian relations, and reminds us to pursue our passions regardless of the opinions of onlookers.