This was a small but wonderful wedding at Newport Dunes. Evan and Brittney showed such deep emotional responses to each other’s commitment that it was contagious. Makeup by Eye Kandie and Flowers by Tiffany Valentine Designs.
This was a small but wonderful wedding at Newport Dunes. Evan and Brittney showed such deep emotional responses to each other’s commitment that it was contagious. Makeup by Eye Kandie and Flowers by Tiffany Valentine Designs.
Sorry for the radio silence! This year I’m getting back to blogging, and I’m taking a new approach to my posts. I’m looking to tell the story of each wedding using layouts, instead of just one image at a time. Let me know what you think! For my first wedding of 2013, this was a real treat. The bride and groom are such gems of people, and I truly enjoyed being at their wedding. My only regret is not wearing sunscreen while we shot their gorgeous midday portraits! I really appreciated have a talented shooter like Rustin at my side as well. What a champ.
These next two are Rustin’s – so much emotion!
These two planned one of the most unique weddings I’ve seen in a while. Scroll down for more details!
First, sunrise ceremony on the beach – 7 AM sharp.
The breakfast reception was at Huntington Beach central park, catered by Park Bench.
They asked me to recreate an old photo of the groom’s grandparents’ wedding photo:
Jake and Sharon’s wedding was held at the Ole Hanson Beach Club in San Clemente. This was a very DIY wedding with tons of friends and family pitching in to make it a success (myself included!). I’ve known Sharon since 2002 when we participated in a Campus Crusade Summer Project in Ocean City, NJ. These 2 were truly sweet to watch, enjoy their photos!
Jake and his dad have a funny tradition…