Last week, I had the privilege of participating in the “7 Workshop” offered by the legendary Mike Colon to better my craft and be a part of this amazing wedding fashion shoot at the Montage in Laguna Beach. A few years ago when I was just getting serious about wedding photography, I took an evening workshop from Mike, Dane Sanders, and Jessica Claire, and I was hooked. I saw the kind of work they were creating, their passion and skill, and I made a decision to always push the creative envelope, and invest in learning as much as possible. (cue “the more you know” jingle…)
The day was rainy, so the Montage offered us their presidential suite to shoot in. It was huge and classy without being over-the-top, and it offered an amazing view of the beach below. We also had these amazing models, Jessica and Brian. You’d think they were really in love! It was hard to narrow it down, but here are my favorites. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Jessica just glows like this all the time!
A note to photographers: I highly recommend the “Seven Workshop” by Mike Colon. There is no more reputable wedding photographer than Mike Colon, and he will answer any and all questions you may have. The workshops are limited to 7 people, so you won’t be lost in the crowd, and the cost is easily made up by simply following his advice on pricing and booking more. Feel free to email me with any questions.

Очень красиво Крис! Я в восторге. Мне очень понравилось. Очень романтично
Привет из Шымкента от Дины ССА
Christopher these photos are amazing! That’s actually my dress she’s wearing, and a necklace as well (to benefit communities in the Congo.) Thanks for using your talents- love it! Julia
Seriously, I really tried to find a favorite and can’t – EVERY SINGLE one of these is an amazing photo. Can I possibly spend a day w/ you and learn from you?